The Colony Theatre Company


Assessment coming soon.

  • General Info

    Gross Receipts: $136, 258

    Year Founded: 1975

    Identifies As:

    Audience Size:

    Permanent Venue: Yes


  • Anti-Racism Progress

    Progress update coming soon.

  • DEI Action Items

    Stop Asian Hate: Not yet identified

    BLM Statement: Not yet identified

    Leaving LASA Statement: Not yet identified

    Signed onto LA Arts Standards Doc: Awaiting Action

    EDIA Statement: Not yet identified

    Other Actions: Not yet identified

    Accessibility: Not yet identified

  • Leadership

    Heather Provost - Artistic Director

    Years in Position: 6

    Salary: $30,000

    Headshot of Heather Provost, a partially smiling person with wavy black hair wearing hoop earrings.
  • Leadership

    Brenda Ramirez-Kalcoff -Operations Manager

    Years in Position: Not Yet Identified

    Salary: $48,000

    Photo of Brenda Ramirez-Kalcoff, a smiling person wearing with long dark hair wearing dark clothes and thin bar drop earrings.

Accounts of harm

BLKLST has not been notified of any accounts of harm.

Accounts of harm

  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here
  • Description text goes here

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