Assessment coming soon.

  • General Info

    Gross Receipts: $3,509.00

    Year Founded: 2002

    Identifies As: Currently Inactive (Dark)

    Audience Size:

    Permanent Venue: No


  • Anti-Racism Progress

    Progress update coming soon.

  • DEI Action Items

    Stop Asian Hate: Not Yet Identified

    BLM Statement: Not Yet Identified

    Leaving LASA Statement: Not Yet Identified

    Signed onto LA Arts Standards Doc: Awaiting Action

    EDIA Statement: Not yet identified 

    Other Action: Not Yet Identified

    Accessibility: Not Yet Identified

  • Leadership

    Brad Raider, Artistic Director

    Years in Position: 19

    Salary: $0

  • Leadership

    James Roday Rodriguez, Artistic Director

    Years in Position: 19

    Salary: $0

Accounts of Harm

BLKLST has not been notified of any accounts of harm.

Accounts of Harm

  • Account description goes here.

  • Account description goes here.

  • Account description goes here.

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